Why Mold Testing & Mold Restoration Should Come From 2 Different Entities

Mold Testing & Mold Restoration should be delivered by different companies to avoid a potential conflict of interest that could be created when it is coming from the same firm. Therefore, some firms refer out to 3rd party entities they have worked with to make the process easier for homeowners and property managers.
How To Choose A Mold Remediation Company

When it comes to selecting a Mold remediation company there should be a few things to take into account before deciding which firm to work with. Knowing what to look for as you are narrowing down your options
Why is mold worse in the Summer time?

As you know South Florida is a little different than the rest of the country in terms of rainfall and temperature. Lately, it feels like summer all year round. The main difference is the rainfall in summer verses the rest of the year. When the temperatures begin to really warm up and the rainfall occurs […]